Our review process and scoring criterias can be a bit confusing. This page will help you understand the review process a bit better.

Scoring criterias
Let us explain the review process

  • Amount of content:
    This one is pretty obvious. The amount of content found on the website. While there is no real standard as far as quantity goes, this one is closely linked to the site's price.

  • Quality:
    Overall quality of the content found on the site.

  • Photos:
    What we think of the photography on the reviewed site. Factors may include: variety, production quality, originality, entertainment factor, etc.

  • Videos:
    What we think of the videos on the reviewed site. Factors may include: variety, production quality, originality, entertainment factor, etc.

  • Navigation:
    Everything that has to do with the site's navigation system is rated here. Download speed, navigation, design, user-friendly features and so on...

  • Updates:
    The rate at which new content is added to the site.

  • Value:
    Used to be called "Price", but we believe that "value" is the right term to use here. The value of a site takes a variety of factors into account to determine wheter a site's price is fair.

  • Extras:
    Extra points. Sites will get extras point for cool features, webcams shows, extra content and more.
  • Variety / Exclusivity:
    Exclusive content is always a plus, but variety is also important. We try to reward sites who put a lot of effort into creating content that doesn't get boring over time.

  • Reviewer's choice:
    May sound a bit biased, but it doesn't have much to do with personal tastes. These are basically points awarded by the reviewer on a personal basis for criterias that aren't easy to rate with the standard point system. It can be as abstract as the general feel of the site.